Tennis Pre-Match und Live Betting Originator
Wir finden Value Bets mithilfe von künstlichen Intelligenzmodellen. Du kannst die prognostizierten Daten, die du basierend auf Wahrscheinlichkeit und Expected Value erhältst, mit unserem Backtest-Tool verfeinern.
Abonnenten nutzen unseren Service, um effektiv gegen die Buchmacher zu gewinnen. Erfahrungsberichte

Match Winner - Expert (For full customization and other markets, please see our Backtest page)
Subscriber Testimonials
Top Tennis Tips in general is the best paid tennis service that I used.
I tried all 3 match winner models, and surely MW Expert is the strongest. It has shown steady profit with much better drawdown.
Highly recommended!

Match Winner Expert subscriber
ItalyI have been using MW Expert for 5 months and I can surely say the model is the best you have ever built.

Match Winner Expert subscriber
BrazilI'm positive about 73,000 since the new model came out. [after half a month]
The new model is great.
I mean it's like 25k ish a month betting 700/match. [after 6 months]

Match Winner Pro subscriber
United StatesI'm very familiar with MW pro Model I have been using it successfully for several months, and I'm really happy with it, congrats guys, you've been doing such a great job.

Match Winner Pro subscriber
BrazilTopTennisTips is a perfect site to do sports trading, betting on professional level. The three best things are backtest, precision and live support. Another very good thing is the fact, that TTT improves its service all the time. I would recommend it to all, because TTT is a top service for betting interested persons.

Match Winner Basic subscriber
GermanyJust wanted to let you know I reached my first target this morning, 10k! :) It took a five months to get there, but I finally did get there in the end. All thanks to the fantastic AI in TTT - so once again, well done.

Match Winner Basic subscriber
Warum Tennis Wetten?
Tennis ist für Wetten gemacht: Es gibt nur zwei Spieler und sie müssen alle Spiele gewinnen (und viele andere Gründe).
Warum Künstliche Intelligenz?
Künstliche Intelligenz (Artificial Intelligence, AI) macht die Arbeit für uns: es gibt eine Prognose und eine prozentuale Wahrscheinlichkeit für die Vorhersage. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit macht den Unterschied.